❗️We have detected a fake Bizverse on Telegram. 

Fake Bizverse: https://t.me/bizverseworlds

❗️ Please note we only have an official channel on Telegram.

⚠️ If something bouncing happens to you please REPORT and BLOCK THEM,

BIZVERSE only announces information about the project’s products and other information only on our official channels:

👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/bizverseworld

👉 Telegram: https://t.me/bizverseworld

👉 TeleChannel: https://t.me/bizverse

👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bizverseworld

👉 Bizverse Social: https://my.bizverse.world/bizversecity

👉 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/bizverse

👉 Discord: https://discord.gg/xUHHBCJx73

👉 Medium: https://medium.com/@bizverseworld

⚠️Currently, Metaverse projects are the trends to attract many investors, so there are lots of scam organizations that would take advantage of this.

⚠️We urge our community to be extremely vigilant and report scams to prevent scams.

⚠️⚠️ SCAM ALERT ️⚠️⚠️